I would suggest you to read the IBM link first and then you can delve into the weird world of memory explained in the white paper. See this white paper from Oracle for more details on internal JVM memory management. To configure Confluence's JVM to use the YourKit agent, you need to add a parameter to CATALINAOPTS in the bin/setenv.bat file in your Confluence application directory. YourKit Java Profiler 2023.5 EAP started. Secure and easy profiling in cloud, containers and clustered environments.
Overview & Features Download Buy & Upgrade Connection Broker. Requesting for more memory from OS is a time consuming operation so most of the JVMs do not release the memory back to the OS even when they don't need it anymore. For example, you might add 'C:\Program Files\YourKit Java Profiler 6.0.12\bin\win32' to your PATH, via Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment Variables. NET profiler for Windows, Linux and macOS. Like the JProfile, it also provides several features to visualize threads, garbage collection, memory leaks, memory usage.
It is a cross-platform tool that supports different operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc.

Heap Memory and Non-Heap memory both can be calculated using the same tool. Also, gives you the number of threads running and the Daemon Threads. Both your parent OS and the VM are hungry for resources and want to hang on to the acquired resources the as much memory as possible. YourKit is also a widely used profiler for Java applications. Java Kit profiler gets attached to your JMeter and gives you an inside picture of the resources utilized when a certain amount of load is put. Think of JVM as a Virtual OS that requires some memory to run. Run below commands to download and extract the tool. In order to measure the retained sizes, all objects in memory are treated as nodes of a graph where its edges represent references from objects to objects. In YourKit java profiler tool, in Web Application Category from Snapshot. Then you need to download your kit tool in your docker container. Unfortunately this is one of the grey areas of JVM you really don't have much of a control on how OS and JVM share memory between each other. I am doing memory profiling using YourKit and to simplify the matters for a. See this IBM link for some interesting details. It will still be within the range you define in -Xmx JVM parameter. This architecture helps in performance because JMV does not have to request the same memory again from the underlying OS. Memory leak is an existence of objects that are not needed anymore according to the application logic, but still retain memory and cannot be collected because. When java is done processing the tasks the JVM will still keep that memory as a reserved space and is not released back to the OS. JVM acquires memory when it needs to execute some complex logic.