The first released four main characters you could pick in D&D are some of the playable characters in BOIR, based on the health and abilities. Contract From Below - Refers to Contract from Below, which allowed a player to add a card to the (now-defunct) ante in a match to draw cards.Also has flying, similar to Lord of the Pit. Spirit of the Night - Refers to Spirit of the Night, a creature that was popular in early Magic.Lord of the Pit - Refers to Lord of the Pit, a creature that has flying similar to how the item gives Isaac flying.The 3 hearts it adds to the player's health total are a play on how the lotus creates 3 mana of any color. Black Lotus - Refers to the Black Lotus, one of Magic: The Gathering's most powerful cards.Chaos Card - Refers to Chaos Orb, which instructs the player to flip it onto the playing field and destroy any cards it touches when it lands, a behavior similar to how the in-game Chaos Card is thrown and instantly kills any enemy.Mother - The ability to deflect tbe Fistula attack is a reference to the Dead Man's Volley.I AM ERROR - Reference to an NPC's dialogue in Zelda II - Link's Awakening.Spirit Sword Behaves like the Master Sword in 2D Zelda games, but acts closest to how Link's sword acts in Link's Awakening, which is also a reference to the challenge where it is obtained.Mom's Hand and Mom's Dead Hand are a reference to Wallmasters from The Legend of Zelda.Cursed Death's Head also has a similar cursing effect which prevents the player from attacking.Death's Head was likely inspired by Bubbles from The Legend of Zelda on the NES, as they are both skulls that are invulnerable and maneuver by bouncing off walls.Pin, The Frail, Scolex, Needle, and Pasty may have all been inspired by Lanmola from The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past.The original flash version of The Binding of Isaac uses a HUD that is a nearly direct port of the original NES Zelda title's HUD.Coins, Keys, and Bombs are used similarly to Rupees, Keys, and Bombs in the NES game.

The general gameplay is a reference to the original NES title, right down to the HUD.'M - Reference to a glitch in Pokemon: Red and Blue.TMTRAINER - Reference to a glitch in Pokemon: Red and Blue.Poke Go - Reference to the mobile game Pokémon Go.

Friendly Ball - The item is a reference to Poké Balls from the Pokémon franchise.Mega Mush - Reference to the Mega Mushroom power-up.Mini Mush - Reference to the Mini Mushroom power-up.Magic Mushroom - Reference to the Super Mushroom power-up.Liberty Cap - Touch fuzzy, get dizzy (Reference to level 1-7 in the Super Nintendo title Yoshi's Island).